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Round n’ About: Founders’ Nights – from fr...

RECONOMY reporting from the ground… Applying the inclusive systems approach, one of the interventions of RECONOMY is on North Macedoni...

RECONOMY Snippet: Social Media Marketing for Fashion

One of RECONOMY's initiatives is to improve the textile and apparel sector in the EaP region, including Armenia, in order to create better e...

RECONOMY Snippet: Creating a Vibrant ICT Sector

ICT Cortex – a cluster for information technology, innovation, education, design and technological development of Montenegro – h...

The Western Balkans: Towards an Emerging Game Development Hu...

RECONOMY Snippet: On Freelancing and What It Takes to Become...

How do Digital Skills Translate to Decent Jobs? Here’s Our...

RECONOMY Snippet: Fostering IT Skills through Practical Trai...

Inclusive Plug Episode 19: How can Freelancing Drive Inclusi...

RECONOMY Snippet: ICT Cortex and “Vaso Aligrudić” Schoo...

RECONOMY Snippet: On the Changing Nature of Work

RECONOMY Snippet: What, How, and Why Digital Transformation

When Fear of the Unknown Becomes Real: Dealing with Bias in ...

Riding the Artificial Intelligence-Powered Wave: More Prepar...

RECONOMY Snippet: Role of Digital Tools in Business in Post-...

Inclusive Plug Episode 4: Is inclusive digitalization possib...
