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Management, Learning, and Communication

Going Regional: Circular Growth in Western Balkans

Helvetas, in partnership with the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), has entered the implementation phase of its a...

Role of Knowledge Management in Knowledge Economies

You would agree with us that the shift to a knowledge-based economy is occurring far too quickly. This means that […]...

Revisiting the Power of Small Talks – How Can We Make Them...

It’s been one year since I wrote the blog on the Power of Small Talks. This week I was at the Hugo […]...

How to Create a Regional Knowledge-Sharing Network? Here’s...

How to Build & Sustain Stakeholder Relationships While W...

Partnering with Generation Z

RECONOMY Snippet: Why to Blog

Communication—Not Just Theories, but also Stories

RECONOMY Snippet: The First Step to Blogging for Development...

The Power of ‘Small Talks’ for Creativity & Product...

Inclusive Plug Episode 13: Why and How Should Development Pr...

Fostering a ‘Sense of Purpose’: How is Accountability Pa...

How Can We Use Knowledge Management & Learning for Regio...

RECONOMY Snippet: On Knowledge Management, Accountability an...

RECONOMY Snippet: Recognizing the Value of Knowledge Managem...
