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Inclusive Plug Episode 13: Why and How Should Development Pr...

Development cooperation is being challenged. People question whether development works. There are people in the development community who ha...

RECONOMY Snippet: Role of Social and Political Incentives Sh...

Here's a snippet from the Research Fellow at the Institute for Development Studies, Jodie Thorpe, on the following questions: How can we use...

Inclusive Plug Episode 12: Does the Monitoring & Result...

The monitoring and results measuring system is an integral part of any project, especially important for projects that use the market system...

Fostering a ‘Sense of Purpose’: How is Accountability Pa...

Does Inclusive Public-Private Dialogue Work? Here’s Our Ta...

For Us at RECONOMY, Every Day is Women’s Day!

Six Months of Learning (and Improving) at RECONOMY

Fit for Purpose: The Promise of Employment Through Non-Forma...

How Can We Use Knowledge Management & Learning for Regio...

Why We Need Sustainable Food Systems in a Post-COVID-19 Worl...

The Case for a Circular Economy: Looking Beyond the ‘Take-...

The Sun That Melts the Butter Also Hardens the Clay – Smal...

When Fear of the Unknown Becomes Real: Dealing with Bias in ...

We’re Just Getting Started: Making sense of a Regional Inc...

Riding the Artificial Intelligence-Powered Wave: More Prepar...
