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Towards a Strong ICT Ecosystem in Montenegro | RECONOMY Snippet
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Towards a Strong ICT Ecosystem in Montenegro | RECONOMY Snippet

ICT Cortex is a business association established in March 2021 by 11 founding members. The aim for RECONOMY’s support in establishing ICT Cortex was to structure, develop, and strengthen the ICT ecosystem.

The Montenegrin economy is small and heavily dependent on tourism. The ICT sector was generally underdeveloped, and it needed key market players to push for policy changes and promote ICT as a career option for youth. RECONOMY supported ICT Cortex in becoming a strong player in the ICT ecosystem in Montenegro, thereby addressing the sector’s problems.

The mission of ICT Cortex is to improve the competitiveness of the Montenegrin ICT sector through the education of new staff and upgrading existing IT staff skills, cooperation with different stakeholders, and public private partnerships.

🚀 RECONOMY supported ICT Cortex and strengthened its capacity to become a key player that represents the ICT industry in Montenegro and the Western Balkan region effectively.

Here’s a snippet with Tarik Zaimović, CEO at ICT Cortex.

Watch the video


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