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Better Income and Employability in Energy Efficient Construction and Renovation
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Better Income and Employability in Energy Efficient Construction and Renovation

Status: Main Phase

Managed by the program facilitation unit of RECONOMY, this project aims to improve the performance of the market system in the Eastern Partnership countries by addressing key challenges and driving the green transition in the energy efficiency / renewable energy (EE/RE) sector in construction. The project focuses on three main interventions: Building Skills and Knowledge on Energy- Efficient Construction, Advocacy and Awareness Raising on the Benefits of EE/RE Products and the career opportunities in the sector and Building Linkages and Facilitating Alliances in the EE/RE Market.

The competencies intervention seeks to enhance the capacity of the construction sector by providing green-enhanced skills training and updating curricula. The services intervention addresses the challenge of youth unemployment while meeting the growing demand for skilled workers by establishing connections between skilled young people and potential employers in the EE/RE market. The influences intervention seeks to increase awareness and knowledge among individuals, particularly women and youth, about the advantages of EE/RE technologies and career opportunities.


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